Join us as we celebrate God's grace and pursuit and the public profession of faith in Christ through Believer's Baptism. Though the baptismal waters does not save, the act of…
Discipleship 101. As a Christ follower, what do I really believe and why do I believe it? We will focus our sermon series on discipleship: the who, what, when, where,…
Discipleship 101. As a Christ follower, what do I really believe and why do I believe it? We will focus our sermon series on discipleship: the who, what, when, where,…
Discipleship 101. As a Christ follower, what do I really believe and why do I believe it? We will focus our sermon series on discipleship: the who, what, when, where,…
Come and worship with us as we praise the Savior through psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, corporate worship through serving, giving, praying, confessing and the preaching of God's Word. These…