Hallsville Baptist Church reaches out beyond our walls to obey Jesus’ words to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28: 19-20
We believe that the greatest problem in the world is not knowing Christ. The only solution to this problem is the gospel. All believers are ambassadors for Christ and called to share the gospel with those around us. HBC believes that doing missions means not only going overseas, but also going across the street. We at HBC strive to cultivate a missional mindset – first, by knowing Jesus, second, by growing in the knowledge and understanding of who Jesus is, and third, by going out to share Jesus with others. Everyone who leaves HBC’s doors is entering the mission field!
To this end, HBC encourages everyone to be on mission for Jesus. It is our desire to equip and train our members to go participate in organized mission trips both domestic and international.
HBC also partners with other Southern Baptists to send IMB missionaries to share the good news of the Gospel where Jesus is not named or known. Through various offerings throughout the year [Lottie Moon (international missions), Annie Armstrong (domestic missions), and Reuben L. South (Missouri missions)] HBC seeks to partner financially with the IMB to support these missionaries. In addition to providing financial support, HBC is committed to praying consistently for those on the mission field.
HBC has a unique international ministry partnership with Disciples Church in L’viv, Ukraine pastored by Elisey Pronin. Elisey has opened up his church facility to war refugees. By supplying shelter, food and a safe haven from the violence outside, Pastor Elisey has an open door to share the gospel with those who otherwise never would have heard. HBC is blessed to provide monetary and prayer support for this important ministry.
With the desire to see children and their families come to know Christ, HBC partners with Samaritan’s Purse International’s Operation Christmas Child to bring Christmas – and Christ to children in need.