God opened a door for Paul and he took it. Because Paul was a surrendered servant, he because a fragrant, pleasing aroma to God and those being saved. To those…
Paul reminds the church that they are only as close to God in fellowship as they are willing to forgive, love, and esteem the Christian that sins, repents, and seeks…
As we continue through Second Corinthians, we explore this week a change of plans by Paul in visiting the church in Corinth. Sometimes there are reasons unknown for why people…
Come on a grand adventure through Second Corinthians as we consider the theme: IDENTITY: Power Through Weakness. With great irony, God doesn't call His people to grandiose performance but He…
In an intimate moment of ministry, Jesus knows His disciple is hurting and condemning self. As a response, Jesus restores Peter and re-commissions him toward sharing with others what He…