“…they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green, to declare that the LORD is upright…” — Psalm 92:13-14
HBC loves our seniors! We believe God is at work in and through us, regardless of our age. We live in a world that often dismisses the role and value of older adults. Older adults have an essential function in the kingdom of God and in the life of the church. They play a vital role in training, mentoring and sharing wisdom with a younger generation. HBC seeks to minister to, with, and from older adults as well as equip, support, and promote these valuable individuals within the church.
Join us for senior luncheon held once a month every third Thursday at 11:30AM in the Fellowship Hall. Contact the church office (573) 696 – 3621 for more details.